Overcome the summertime paycheck blues.

If you're a Baltimore-area teacher or other employee who has a 10-month contract, that may mean no pay during the summer months. Thankfully, MECU has a way to make sure you have money coming in year-round.
No more months-long pay gaps
Earn interest on the amount you've set aside
Use Online Banking to monitor your savings

Turn 10 months of pay into 12 months of income

With Pay All Year, just select the amount that you want saved from your paycheck throughout the year. Then during the summer months, we'll make sure you get the money you've stashed away.
  • Receive an automatic transfer to your MECU Share Savings Account four times during the summer.
  • Payments begin two weeks after the last regular paycheck.

Here's an example of how Pay All Year Savings works:

Amount saved each pay period during the year Amount available in the summer bi-weekly pay*
$10 $52.50
$50 $262.50
$100 $525.00
* You will automatically receive a transfer to your MECU Share Savings Account four times during the summer. Payments begin two weeks after the last regular pay.

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